Saturday, April 30, 2016


A color associated with inner state of good, with optimism, with a clear mind and a joyful attitude is YELLOW. This colour can be real helpful to “soft” the states of sadness and to encourage the states of good.

The yellow color, was proved to stimulate the secretion of serotonin in the brain, substance also called the ‘’happiness hormone’’. Taking as example the poetry “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth is a good examples how this color could improve our state (

Yellow is the color of the sun which is often associated with happiness, joy and vital energy. 

In the world of artists and on canvas, this color it’s warm and seeing it often produces an energizing effect of heat, joy and positive energy, stimulating intellectual activities.

Be fabulous! Wear YELLOW!


           Horses can identify our inner state, because they are intelligent beings, and relating with them has positives effects over people. Cabalines are used in certain therapeutic treatments like in the medical treatment of autistic children.

           Recently, it was discovered that these gracious animals can easily identify the state of spirit, especially anger, this possible due to the fact that in their natural environment it is essential for them to identify potential dangers and to avoid them.
            Furthermore, horses can send among themselves emotions through facial expressions and this face reading it was discovered to be a trained ability.
Love Appart?

             About long distance relationships it is said that they have no chance to last, but in reality there are clues that support the idea that distant relationship are much more solid that we used to think; in some case these relationships  last better than the relationships in which the partners are close to one another.

             In my country, there is a saying..... ''The eyes that are not seen, will soon be forgotten''... or ''they being are improvised''. This is how this saying would sound if it to be adapted to those that love each other literally <<from far distance>> . Nowadays, thanks to telecommunications technologies, we are able to keep in touch with the love one by phone, internet webcam and so, distance is no longer an issue.    
             The important thing is to realize that, without trust you really can't succeed in a relationship.
A long distance relationship it's not simple and it demands lots of efforts from both sides, but it we think better, there is no relationship that it's simple.
When there is trust, communication and when you think how much you want for your half to be beside you and hug him, then in those days distance is less painful: because you know that love demands sacrifices and it worth waiting to be reunited..   

          Many think that we are not made  for long distance relationships, but life tests us with experiences like this  to  challenge us. A long distance relationship should be first taken as a challenge  and not as a painful, awful thing, something that cannot be fixed.

              Even it might sound as a paradox, it looks like that the partners involved in a long distance relationship communicate more intense and more often than those that live together in a couple. This constant contact,( even three or four times per day) tries to compensate the distance and finally creates strong bonds between the two partners.
Because the interactions are more consistent and more powerful  the feelings, the thoughts, the emotions are stronger due to the distance that increses them.

      The technological progress plays as well a important role because it encourages communication  through means like Skype or Facebook.

              Physical distance makes desire and attraction stronger, because we always dream to something that you can't have or it's not accessible. That is why even if you are not in a distant relationship is good to leave some space to your partner and to prevent that routine installs in the couple.
              From this point of view, the desire, satisfaction and the absence of routine are exactly the ingredients needed to feed  passion.
Let's be reasonable: '' Who does not want passion''?

             When you have a relationship with someone who is far away,  you tend to find more time to spend with him communicating rather if that person would live closer.  The thousands of miles that separate us, make us understand that nothing comes easy, without effort and this would make us cherish even more the relationship.  

A long distance relationship is for special people with dreams and commun aspirations, with impeccable character and creatives, spiritual compatibles, without being submitted to mediocrity and the lack of trust.

Tell me, what is your personal opinion about the long distance relationship?

Monday, April 25, 2016


Can We Learn Happiness?

                  Humans are programmed to search pleasure.  Adults search nice cozy sensations just that many of this pleasures - like for example the one that involves sex, food alcohol, etc, - do not last. Things that we enjoy to full and saturate us for a short period of time soon will loose their value. A small piece of cheese, tasted slowly could provoke more pleasure then an entire gourmand meal. Even that we cant experience all the time intense pleasures, sometimes we should take a break and we should focus on trying to diminish our daily worries, to putt aside ''the day of tomorrow'' and to stop for a moment our ego, put aside ambitions and greed. 

               Long lasting happiness is not assured by wealth but by the social relationships, by the interactions with those among us that bring joy and are inspiring our daily. Happiness it's not found in the small pleasures; being ''happy'' means sometimes to conquer your fears, to live in harmony and peace with others and animals. 

                    This state of mind ans soul does not come all of a sudden but has to be created in an active way continuously brig after brick same as building a wall. Missing worries and daily stress it's not enough for feeling happy because it's awkward, but there are people without worries and who are bored to death. Happiness it's awesome but it demands some effort to be be put in order to be achieved. 
                There is not a certain recipe that an individual should follow in order to achieve ''happiness'' but those that are studying the subject came up with some elementary rules that  once followed should help us achieve this state. 

These rules are simple and really practical: 
- Be active!: 

            Our brain needs a lot of activity and intellectual laziness creates bad disposition. If we rest only for a day, it is said that neurons die (not true - they are not receiving the appropriate inputs). If mind it's not put to work will atrophy itself, process usually associated with apathy and depression. Doing sports and training the body it's a good way to follow this instruction because mind is being re-compensated for the physical effort by forming brand new neuronal connections. Small hobbies can improve the joy in our lives.

- Have a social life!
       A life partner, the family and friends can create an environment in which to feel ourselves important, reliable, respected and protected. A happy experience is more intense if it's being lived with your life partner, with your kids or a close friend. 

- Concentrate!
              Well chosen pleasures increase the joy of living as for example, a short moment of pleasure: the perfume of a flower, the beauty of shapes, the taste of a small piece of cheese.

- Have real expectations!: 

            Happiness depends of our own expectations and often we ask either too much from ourselves or too little and both situations bring disappointment. The one who asks too much form himself, will experience lot of stress and the one who does the opposite will be missing dopamine (states of lethargy and passiveness)

- Think positive! 

                  Happiness sensations are not just a happening, but a consequence of our thoughts and of positive feelings which generates pleasure and help us avoid displeasure. An advice of the ''psychology of happiness'' is  '' do not take yourself too seriously, laugh of your mistakes and of yourself.    
                 Don't take too into serious the search for happiness. There is an art to pass through and overcome our unpleasant experiences.

- Pleasure derivatives from work :

              Strongly connected to the first rule (be active),  works constrains us to be active and tho most of us need this pressure. Work is the best psychotherapy

Is there anything else, more important then being happy and achieving the ultimate state - happiness?  

Thursday, April 21, 2016

EMOTIONS! Why Do We Blush?

I like people who blush and the emotion burns read their cheecks up to the top of their ears.
There so few people who are blushing today L

             But why do we blush? We all had the face fully read once in our lives but nowbody thought on thinking where does this reaction come from. I would say this is an effect of our sensibility. Or perhaps, it comes from adrenalyn.  Which dilates blood vessels, which means a higher flow of blood and oxigen within the body.

An unusual meeting with a stranger, a friend,  soemone that we find atractive may transform in a embaressing event due to us but without our fault. 

I do not remember when i last blushed: 
Joy brings love. Those who resemble attract themselves!
Joy brings love. When you feel that your body and your spirit are filling with joy of life, you are like a powerful magnet.  It is then when you are pulling toward yourself even more joy, which means even more love.
Joy heals the entire substance of the body, in ways no other sensorial vibration does. Joy is the highest wave of vibrating frequency that a human can create. Joy unifies and it’s the most profound thing that the human body can feel. When you truly know the identity of your  spirit, you live a daily life full of ecstasy.
Joy can be also understood through the analogy in which we use a state of mind  or high feelings.  At the highest level of sensations that the body can experience – true spirit- we find the ecstasy.  At the next level – pure personality- there is the happiness.  Un ascending flux of happiness drive us to joy and joy drives to ecstasy. Then, all the atoms and all the body cells are pulsing in union as an entity.  Joy heals the damaged cells and afterwards the body organs which are touched by pain or disease. Joy makes you feel  healthy and fulfilled as mind and body.
Often we see how that healthy people have the strong tendency of running away from sick people. These healthy people do not want to have any knowledge about the sick people, about their pain and their sufferance.
So, the people are being pulled toward the , dynamic, healthy and joyful persons. We are all human batteries and our body acts in ways that is not difficult to understand : the more joy you feel, more healthy and complete, emotionally and mentally you are. This draws the attention and brings questions from those around you : ,,What’s with you today? Why are you so happy? ’’ . For some of them it’s difficult to try to find this state. Your joy, your positive way of being sometimes make people want to be around you. 

Same way the sadness makes you retire from others, the joy makes you to open your spirit toward them and it’s normal that anyone who see how good you feel to be attracted by you and in the end some will love you.  Joy not only that attracts love but in the same time it becomes contagious, multiplying exponentially. It is a gift to yourself as well as for the other people from your life. Soon, they will adjust themselves to their own state of joy, each person which is joyfull will start sharing this to others,  forming an endless chain of happy persons.
Joy is an excellent way to bring into your life your half, the desire to be physically close to someone it’s itself a ,, DECLARATION’’ . In the true meaning, being close to someone it’s a powerful declaration of love.  The joy you feel when you embrace closely your half it’s ecstatic!.
The soulmate you will bring into your life will be on the same frequency with you, and  both will be in continuous adjustment to one another.  

By the universal law,  she or him will expand their perspective proportionally and exponentially. There are no boundaries. Soul mates are perfect windows for each others and the bond that bringed and hold them close is limited only by their mind. Will they have a marginal or a limitless mind?
The choice is yours entirely because she or he, is your equal.

Be joyful!